Monday, August 26, 2013


ALWAYS Avenge Thy Father

A searing fire licks and bites at Melissa's feet. The cracks of guns and gun fire can be heard in the distance and she searches for them, only the fire consuming her sight. She twirls and spins in a panic, trying to find a way out and hopelessly finding nothing. She screams, but it is as if nothing was there, nothing could hear her, that she was forever alone. Tears start streaking her face as she continues to yell, louder and louder till her voice was completely hoarse. She places her face in her hands to cover her eyes from this deafening loneliness. Then, as if by a switch, the fire pops and completely disappears. Melissa looks up, her red eyes flickering between hope and dread as she looks around her for some sort of life. Around her, all around her, was nothing be dead bodies, blood flowing on the ground and getting closer and closer to her. So close, in fact, that Melissa could not tell if it was her blood or of those around her. She looks down at her hands to see them stained, tinted, dirtied. She was not a soldier, she was a fraud. She could not even do the one thing she was trained for, protecting the innocent. Inside, she only saved her own life. Her own pathetic life.

There was series of clinks and two pulsing red lights that glowed through the thick darkness around her. Melissa can feel her breath catch in the back of her throat. She could feel the ground move with each step of this unknown beast. A beast that was scarily familiar to her. She could see the gleam of yellow and black as it gets closer and closer. Something about it made Melissa feel a wave of deja vu sweeps over her as she watches a giant titanium bee looms over her, an emotionless face staring down at her. Panic spreads through Melissa's body, a feeling that she is not use to, and absolutely hates. She was trained to fight, not run. She needs to fight now, she has to listen to her training. She looks around, but cannot find the only weapon she truly knows. Her javelins were missing. She then turns at the machine, trying to stare into its eyes, trying not to flinch or shake.

"What do you want with me!" she yells at the lifeless bug. The bug continues to stare at her, unmoving. This starts to irritate her as she looks down at its giant javelins for hands. She then glares back up into the machines eyes and yells, "Kill me already you pest!"


Melissa jolts up from the ground she was laying on, distributing her sleep. She looks around the dark, crowded forest that was covered in ferns and bramble. Melissa had been given a soft blanket to lay down on a thick patch of moss that was found after extensive search. Now, the blanket and moss under her were soaked wet because of the profuse sweating that had happened when she was asleep. She went to roll over on her shoulder when a complete and intense jolt of pain electrified her nerves. She had forgotten about her shoulder, which was still bleeding from her battle with the robot a few days ago. She just sighs and sits all the way up, pulling her honey blonde hair away from her face and starts to braid it behind her back.

"A-re yo-u o-k-ay?" asks a robotic voice to the right of Melissa. Melissa tries not to looks frightened by the voice as she looks over at it, still braiding her long, luscious hair. 

"I'm fine," says Melissa simply.

"B-ut Y-ou st-ill sc-rea-m," says the bee with confusion. 

"It's nothing," says Melissa as she throws her hair over her shoulder after she finishes braiding it.

"A-re you s-ur-e?" asks the bee with a tilt of his head.

"Of course I'm sure," snaps Melissa as she gets up from her seated position and stretches to begin her long walk down . "So this Melvin person."

"Mar-vin Hon-ijb-ij," says the robot as he starts to follow her down the path, a respectable distance of course. 

"Yeah yeah! Whatever he is. I just want to bust the ass of whoever decided it was a smart idea to go up against the Tori and show him who's boss!" yells Melissa as she punches her hand in gives a cocky smirk as she grinds her fist into her palm. "Payback can be a bitch sometimes, can't it?"

"C-an't what?" asks the robot.

"You know," says Melissa as she turns around to walk backwards, able to see the robot's face. "Why don't you just keep looking pretty and leave the fighting to me?"

"B-ut our str-engths a-re equ-al if n-ot gr-eater."

"Are we there yet? Because I don't know if I can keep up this conversation between the two of us."

"Y-es. R-ight up th-ere," says the machine as he points one of his giant javelins in the air to a giant, omniscient building.There was a chilly breeze that blew across the barren grounds. Nothing moved, nothing made a sound, and everything left a deafening silence in Melissa's ear that scared her. 

"Are you sure this is the place?" asks Melissa skeptically.

"Y-es," says the robot simply.

"Well, if you're certain," says Melissa as she lets out a loud exhale. She takes one step forward and a land mine was tripped. She was able to jump out of the way before any major damage was dealt to her, but some of the depry came back at her in the worst possible way. There was a glimmer and some static above as a projection was seen flickering on above their heads. A gruff guy with a scraggly beard and rugged appearance appears above them.

"So they send a daughter to do a real soldier's job. How poetic," laughs the man in the screen. "And look! We have a traitor in our midst! What do you have to say for yourself Buddy?"

"It is wr-ong what w-e ar-re doing," says the machine as he looks up at his master. 

"You killed over a thousand people!" yells Melissa as she spins her javelin and glares up at the projection. "You have to repent for your sins!"

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