Thursday, September 5, 2013


Bird On A Wire 

(This is a complete and utter copy of Pixar's short with the birds, only with Pokemon. Hopefully this will be entertaining with words. If you have not seen the short yet then you're in for a treat~!)
After miles and miles of flying, Pidgey has finally found a place to rest his tired chestnut brown wings. He circles around before he finally lands gently on a wire. He moves his feet a little bit before finally sitting still. He ruffles his feathers to gain heat when a dark brown spot gets closer and closer to him.

The Pidgey perks up when he notices that its his flying companion, the Spearow, its rough features and fluffy presence lands next to him. Pidgey starts to chirp happily with the young Spearow, who nods happily at every happy chirp and sweet songs of the Pidgey. The Spearow was not use to this trip, so he was a little more exhausted then his companion.

Two dots grow closer and closer to the group, one was mostly brown with two giant red spots while the other was white and covered in colorful spots. The two birds already on the wire perk up and wait expectantly as the new travelers come in. The Hoothoot and Togetic land gently on wire and Pidgey instantly start up a conversation with them. Once and a while, both look back waiting for their flying companions to get into sight, getting a little antsy also. After the 53th look into the horizon, two dots can be seen. The first as jet black an ominous with something green and round close to its body. The Pidgey first thought it was a berry, till it got closer.

At about half-way the Natu, that Murkrow was now holding, conked out and with the extra weight, it took Murkrow a little longer to get here. As a good friend the Murkrow dealt with it, but the Natu would not stop complaining the whole way here, she did not even stop complaining when they landed on the wire and she was perfectly comfortable where she was. She just kept squawking and squawking and squawking. This got the Pidgey into what seems like an argument with her when a small blue bird Pokemon, with a bright red chest and face and two long feathers behind him, lands in Pidgey's spot.

Pidgey could not believe this Taillow!! There was a complete wire for them and he decides to sit in his spot! This got Pidgey off on a rampage. This Taillow dared to sit next to him when there was perfectly good wire on the other side! As Pidgey gets more and more enraged by the argument, he feels a bump next to him. Pidgey looks to see that a bright blue ball with two extremely fluffy white wings sits next to him. 

Pidgey could not bare it anymore! He flies over to his flying companion Spearow and lands next to him. Spearow does not find this very nice and starts bickering with him about space. On both sides of the Pokemon, bickering can be heard as Pokemon re-arrange themselves and take up too much space and all. Then, this stupid black and gray Pokemon lands next to the Swablu from before. All the Pokemon already on the wire turn to look at this ignorant and stupid Starly, who looks shocked and scared at the same time, not knowing what she did. Soon, the Pokemon took sides. Some Pokemon choice to directly yell at the Starly while others defended her.

Soon a light blue duck and pale gray bird fly up to the wire and lands on it, wondering what all the excitement is about. This starts to cause more tension with feathers being ruffled (both figuratively and physically), toes being stepped on (both figuratively and physically), and sore spots being poked (only figuratively).

That was until the Vullaby and Rufflet land on the wire, taking up more space and the gloves come off. Feathers fly as harsh words at tossed around the wire. One bird was apparently too fat to be here, which most of the bird on the wire agreed on, and another was just to stupid to even be a bird, which all the birds agreed on, and how another was not even suppose to be here since it did not even have a home, which all the birds agreed that it was being taken too far to say that. And then a loud honk can be heard above and all the birds look up their faces in complete horror as they see the giant Ho-oh land right in between Pidgey and Spearow.

Because of the weight of the Ho-oh, the wire folds into itself and all the bodies around the Ho-oh slide in, creating even less space between the birds. Pidgey and Spearow are completely and utterly frustrated at this point and get even more irritated when the Ho-oh starts to honk loudly. Pidgey and Spearow then back up and press into the Ho-oh's sides, just trying to shove out some room for themselves. They did not expect the Ho-oh to screech and flip over, only holding by its talons. Pidgey and Spearow look at each other and a mischievous grin grows on there face as they start to rapidly peck at its talons. Hoothoot looks over at the two and starts to chant a rhythm for them to peck by. Then it was Togetic, then Murkrow and Natu and Swablu and soon all the bird Pokemon were chanting together in unison. But for some reason, the Ho-oh was chanting also, as if it only wanted to be apart of the group. 

After Pidgey has finished with his three talons, he looks at the ground and notices something. Pidgey then quickly tries to get the attention of Spearow, chirping furiously until Spearow, and the rest of the bird Pokemon, notices. Pidgey nods his head towards the ground and the bird Pokemon look down, realizing their mistake. They then look back at the single talon on the wire and their eyes grow wide as it slowly starts to slide off. They frantically chirp for it to stay on to no avail.

Ho-oh falls a mere two inches from the ground as the other bird Pokemon are shot into the air, the ground littered with colorful and bright feathers that took advantage of the close gravity. Ho-oh flips over to sit on the ground shaking out his head. Then, there is a small bird scream with a whizzing sound as Pidgey falls to the ground, completely featherless. Ho-oh looks over at Pidgey and laughter/ squawking erupts from its throat. Pidgey shakes away the stars from its eyes and looks down at his bare body. Pidgey grabs the closest thing around him to cover up his bareness with a leaf as there as a whizzing sound, followed by a plunk, plunk, plunk as the rest of the bird Pokemon fall to earth, completely bare as well. Since there was not enough leaves to go around, all the bird Pokemon find shelter behind Ho-oh, which just intensifies the Ho-oh's laughter even more. 

Moral of the story; sometimes Karma is a bitch.

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