Thursday, September 5, 2013


Bird On A Wire 

(This is a complete and utter copy of Pixar's short with the birds, only with Pokemon. Hopefully this will be entertaining with words. If you have not seen the short yet then you're in for a treat~!)
After miles and miles of flying, Pidgey has finally found a place to rest his tired chestnut brown wings. He circles around before he finally lands gently on a wire. He moves his feet a little bit before finally sitting still. He ruffles his feathers to gain heat when a dark brown spot gets closer and closer to him.

The Pidgey perks up when he notices that its his flying companion, the Spearow, its rough features and fluffy presence lands next to him. Pidgey starts to chirp happily with the young Spearow, who nods happily at every happy chirp and sweet songs of the Pidgey. The Spearow was not use to this trip, so he was a little more exhausted then his companion.

Two dots grow closer and closer to the group, one was mostly brown with two giant red spots while the other was white and covered in colorful spots. The two birds already on the wire perk up and wait expectantly as the new travelers come in. The Hoothoot and Togetic land gently on wire and Pidgey instantly start up a conversation with them. Once and a while, both look back waiting for their flying companions to get into sight, getting a little antsy also. After the 53th look into the horizon, two dots can be seen. The first as jet black an ominous with something green and round close to its body. The Pidgey first thought it was a berry, till it got closer.

At about half-way the Natu, that Murkrow was now holding, conked out and with the extra weight, it took Murkrow a little longer to get here. As a good friend the Murkrow dealt with it, but the Natu would not stop complaining the whole way here, she did not even stop complaining when they landed on the wire and she was perfectly comfortable where she was. She just kept squawking and squawking and squawking. This got the Pidgey into what seems like an argument with her when a small blue bird Pokemon, with a bright red chest and face and two long feathers behind him, lands in Pidgey's spot.

Pidgey could not believe this Taillow!! There was a complete wire for them and he decides to sit in his spot! This got Pidgey off on a rampage. This Taillow dared to sit next to him when there was perfectly good wire on the other side! As Pidgey gets more and more enraged by the argument, he feels a bump next to him. Pidgey looks to see that a bright blue ball with two extremely fluffy white wings sits next to him. 

Pidgey could not bare it anymore! He flies over to his flying companion Spearow and lands next to him. Spearow does not find this very nice and starts bickering with him about space. On both sides of the Pokemon, bickering can be heard as Pokemon re-arrange themselves and take up too much space and all. Then, this stupid black and gray Pokemon lands next to the Swablu from before. All the Pokemon already on the wire turn to look at this ignorant and stupid Starly, who looks shocked and scared at the same time, not knowing what she did. Soon, the Pokemon took sides. Some Pokemon choice to directly yell at the Starly while others defended her.

Soon a light blue duck and pale gray bird fly up to the wire and lands on it, wondering what all the excitement is about. This starts to cause more tension with feathers being ruffled (both figuratively and physically), toes being stepped on (both figuratively and physically), and sore spots being poked (only figuratively).

That was until the Vullaby and Rufflet land on the wire, taking up more space and the gloves come off. Feathers fly as harsh words at tossed around the wire. One bird was apparently too fat to be here, which most of the bird on the wire agreed on, and another was just to stupid to even be a bird, which all the birds agreed on, and how another was not even suppose to be here since it did not even have a home, which all the birds agreed that it was being taken too far to say that. And then a loud honk can be heard above and all the birds look up their faces in complete horror as they see the giant Ho-oh land right in between Pidgey and Spearow.

Because of the weight of the Ho-oh, the wire folds into itself and all the bodies around the Ho-oh slide in, creating even less space between the birds. Pidgey and Spearow are completely and utterly frustrated at this point and get even more irritated when the Ho-oh starts to honk loudly. Pidgey and Spearow then back up and press into the Ho-oh's sides, just trying to shove out some room for themselves. They did not expect the Ho-oh to screech and flip over, only holding by its talons. Pidgey and Spearow look at each other and a mischievous grin grows on there face as they start to rapidly peck at its talons. Hoothoot looks over at the two and starts to chant a rhythm for them to peck by. Then it was Togetic, then Murkrow and Natu and Swablu and soon all the bird Pokemon were chanting together in unison. But for some reason, the Ho-oh was chanting also, as if it only wanted to be apart of the group. 

After Pidgey has finished with his three talons, he looks at the ground and notices something. Pidgey then quickly tries to get the attention of Spearow, chirping furiously until Spearow, and the rest of the bird Pokemon, notices. Pidgey nods his head towards the ground and the bird Pokemon look down, realizing their mistake. They then look back at the single talon on the wire and their eyes grow wide as it slowly starts to slide off. They frantically chirp for it to stay on to no avail.

Ho-oh falls a mere two inches from the ground as the other bird Pokemon are shot into the air, the ground littered with colorful and bright feathers that took advantage of the close gravity. Ho-oh flips over to sit on the ground shaking out his head. Then, there is a small bird scream with a whizzing sound as Pidgey falls to the ground, completely featherless. Ho-oh looks over at Pidgey and laughter/ squawking erupts from its throat. Pidgey shakes away the stars from its eyes and looks down at his bare body. Pidgey grabs the closest thing around him to cover up his bareness with a leaf as there as a whizzing sound, followed by a plunk, plunk, plunk as the rest of the bird Pokemon fall to earth, completely bare as well. Since there was not enough leaves to go around, all the bird Pokemon find shelter behind Ho-oh, which just intensifies the Ho-oh's laughter even more. 

Moral of the story; sometimes Karma is a bitch.

016- Pidgey


Empty Nest- Part 1

  Pidgey wiggles between her seven brother and sisters, each a little bigger then the other. She, on the other hand, was the smallest. She lets out a sigh and takes off into the air. 

"Poppy!" whispers her favorite sister from the nest. "What are you doing Poppy? Mom will be back any moment!Get back here!"

"Kiss everyone for me!" whispers Poppy without skipping a beat. "I promise I'll be back!"

"Poppy!" whispers her sister. "Poppy! Please don't go Poppy! Poppy! Please Poppy! POPPY!"

Her sister's desperate cries get smaller and smaller as she flies farther and farther into the deep dark woods. Her shimmering brown feathers glint and shine from the bright, clear sun above her that was throwing emerald light over her. The soft cream down of her under belly ruffles in the breeze. Her mischevious pale blue eyes look around the gorgeous green shades around her. The vegetation around her was lush and bountiful from such great care. Humans normally left most of the wild Pokemon alone and only if it was absolutely necessary did they take a little piece of their land. That is why everything was so beautiful and rife, because everything was taken care of by the Pokemon. Thick, lush trees spread in front of Poppy as she soared and twirled in the branches, not caring if she where she was going or if she was going to be late. She felt free, for the first time her wings actually gave her freedom! She twirls and swirls around in pure bliss as she chirps at the top of her lungs. She never expected that she would get a reply back.

She topples and turns around, crashing through thick branches and leaves, trying to turn around and look at the replier. Of course, all she could see was green since the leaves were blocking her line of vision. Poppy starts to get aggravated as she tries to get past all these leaves. She finally fights her way out of the leaves and lets out a relieved breath. That was until she turns and sees these two, giant bright red eyes rimmed with thick black rings with three black lines underneath. 

Poppy jumps back, scared half to death by this strange and unknown creature before her. Today was one of those days where she should have stayed in the nest...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

016- Pidgey

The Knot

A gorgeous chapel overlooks an equally gorgeous ocean view as it twinkles and shines. The chapel was built in a catholic-style stone exoskeleton, but even though the exterior was so beautiful the inside was even more superior. Fresh rose grew along the cracks and crevasse of the stone cement, the result of The Oddish Crises in 1607. In the center was a bell that feel after the fall of the monarchy in 1921. The multicolored light of the stain glass that depicted Mew with the first King with a flower garden surrounding them. This chapel was the center for the most elite of the elite, now it was a bird house with a Togetic from the previous pastor still taking care of the building.

Two Pidgeys swoop in the open window with a see-through, gorgeous material that looks like a veil. Togetic straightens up some books and looks overhead to see the Pidgeys fly over and quickly gets up and flies with them, hurried by their presence. 

The Pidgeys drape the delicate fabric over a small Pidgey's head, almost enveloping her inter body. She looks up sheepish at the two, bigger Pidgeys as the coo and cluck affectionately at her. Something about that veil seem to make her normally cream down- feathered chest seem to glow while her chestnut brown top coat seems to shimmer and shine with health and good up bringing. The black ridges around her sparkling golden eyes seem bolder and more defined. All in all, something was special about her. Whether it was because of this specific date or because she was a naturally gorgeous Pidgey was anyone's guess, but the word 'ravishing' did not begin to describe her. 

"You ready?" asks the Togetic as he looks at the Pidgey. The pidgey nods her head to confirm. Togetic nods back and flutters back towards the sanctuary. The two bigger Pidgeys flank the female Pidgey, escorting her to the sanctuary. 

The sanctuary was cleared of the feathers and poop that normally cluttered the floors and was replaced with soft down feathers neatly arranged as a carpet with a variety of white flower petals scattered in and around the seats, excluding the isles. At the top of the sanctuary was the Togetic, flanked with a big male Pidgey. Around the male Pidgey's throat was a velvet black bow to signify that he was the groom today. His normally ridged peaks that stuck around every which way was smoothed back so slick that it was hard to tell if he really was a Pidgey or if he was a Pidgeotto. As the female Pidgey steps out onto the hall, the wedding march can be heard playing by the gorgeous, loud brass organs from the balcony. 

Every eye turns towards the bride as she slowly walks down the isles. The groom was absolutely dumb-founded. He could have never guessed she could be this beautiful. Something warm and cheerful crosses over his face as he realizes, I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful creature. 

The bride peaks up from her veil and giggles, a little nervous and a little excited at the same time. She was finally doing it! She was going to settle down with this Pidgey, probably become Pidgeots with him and have tens of kids that will go through exactly what she was going through right now. This was the first step to her Pidgeottohood, and she was excited at the future. 

The Wedding March stops and the Togetic clears his throats to bellow out, "We are gathered here today to unite this man and woman in holy matrimony..."


Sorry I haven't been writing as much... I'm trying to get that together! Please bare with it!!

The Letter

 A Pidgey furiously flaps across the sky, trying not to be late again. This time, the letter was really important! He did not want to mess this job up.

As he soars through the beautiful blue sky, he starts to wonder, to think, to fret, to regret. This is not the time for that!! He has to focus on the task at hand right now! The mansion on Groove Street... The mansion on Groove Street... The mansion on Groove Street.... There it is!

The Pidgey flutters down to the balcony and hops over to the window, peaking gently with his peak. A gorgeous girl with long blond hair loosely tied in a bun opens the two window doors and looks down at the Pidgey.

"Poe! What are you doing here?" asks the girl as she crouches down and plucks the letter from his peak. She then ruffles the feather on the top of his head as she reads through the letter. Slowly taking in each and every line. She has to re-read it twice before she can actually react to it.

"I'm to be married off to the prince," says the girl sadly. "He wrote to me, declaring his undying love and asks for my hand. Oh Poe! how I wish to be a Pidgey like you! No worries of marriage, no regrets as to be with. If only I could stay with you..."

"What if you can?" asks Poe as he tilts his head.

"What ever do you mean?" asks the girl, her interest was caught now.

"Um... w-well... w-we can t-try kissing or something..." stutters Poe as his cream feathers are tinted with a pink. 

"Okay," says the girl as she lifts the Pokemon up in the cup of her hands.

"W-wait!" says the Pidgey, completely shocked. "W-we're actually doing this?"

"Of course," says the girl as she looks down, her cheeks turning red now also. "I-if it can fix this mess... I-I'm fine with it."

"Okay then," says Poe as he takes a deep breath and waits. The girl takes a deep breath of her own and raises the Pidgey up to her lips, gently kissing him on the beak. The wind began to stir and shake as popping could be heard. There was a bright flash as the Pidgey in the girls hands started to get heavier and heavier. 

"Wh-what's happening!" cries the girl in shock. Before her stood a tall, handsome prince looking at his dazzling appearance in aw and shock.

"You did it Anabell! You freed me!" cries the prince as he clasps her hands. The girl looks into his somewhat serious black eyes that reflects her gorgeous appearance in them. She has seen these eyes before... she has fallen in love with these eyes.

"P-Poe?" asks Anabell, longing for and dreading the answer at the same time. The prince just takes Anabell in his arms and pulls her in closer, giving her a passionate and tender kiss. Anabell does not fight it and kisses him also.

"So... what would your answer be?" asks the Prince as he looks deep in her eyes.

"Yes.. of course it would be yes!" laughs Anabell as she goes in for another kiss.

Outside, Poe watches the couple from the plant on the balcony and sighs. He really liked this one...She was nice to him and really cared about his thoughts. But they always fall for the talking Pidgey trick. Hands down. Poe then launches himself into the air and soars back home, his broken heart left in the evergreen plant back on the balcony. He was the Love Bird, and his job was to bring engaged couples together, and that was it. There is no reason for him to fall in love with clients, no matter how pretty they were. In the end, they were still human.

And this is an example of a Pokemon Fairy Tale


Love Birds

Spring was buzzing through the air. Everything felt great during the Spring. The air was fresh and clean (unless you had allergies) and the smell of the beautiful flowers can be smelt from all corners of the forest. The chirping of birds covers the entire forest with happy-go-lucky feelings. It was the season of Love, and the Pokemon are ready to go. 

"Pidgey-pie! Pidgey-pie! Pidgey Bree!" yells a Pidgeotto as she desperately tries to flap after her little Pidgey daughter. 

"I can't wait ma!" yells Pidgey Bree as her wings flap a mile a minute (being referred to as Bree for this story to chop out confusion.)

 "You will wait and you will not complain," yells the mother in her 'grown-up' voice. Bree lets out a cute little sigh and lands on the closest tree. The beautiful emerald leaves before her start to call and whisper like a lover who was completely and utterly infatuated with her. Bree looks longingly at the open, gorgeous forest before her.  It was always something with her mother. 'You didn't do your chores!' 'You forgot your hat!' 'I had to follow you because you forgot to mark your path again! What an irresponsible girl! Can't even tell a tree from a Pidgey!' Nagging, nagging, nagging, ect. If it was not one thing with her, it was the other.

"Pidgey-Pie! Haven't you forgotten something?" asks her mother in a tone that implied the exact opposite.

"Yes mother," sighs Bree, with a roll of her eyes.

"What is it?" asks her mother with a mocking tilt of her head.

"I don't know! Can't you just tell me?" asks Bree, a little angry.

"What an irresponsible girl," says her mother under her breath, but loud enough for Bree to hear. Her mother then clears her throat quickly before she says, "Did you forget about your grandparents?"

"Oh yeah~!" says Bree happily. "Mema and Grandpa will be coming!"

"You better get ready Bree..Or else you'll miss them," says her mother, almost wickedly.

Bree looks over her shoulder as she takes off, flying the way she had just came. She could have sworn that she was watching her mother chuckle wickedly. Bree just brushes it off and continues to keep a steady beat with her wings. Whatever her mother was planning, it was not going to work on Bree.

Halfway towards home a male Pidgey joins her in flight.(We'll call him Robert.) He gives Bree a little smile, well as much of a smile as a beak could give, and it makes Bree's heart flutter faster then her wings.

"Hey Pidgey-Pie," says Robert.

"Pi," stumbles Bree, a little taken aback that he was talking to her.Actually, it was not that strange. Robert and Bree have been best friends since they were eggs. Bree had just developed a little... crush on him, so to say.

"Why are you here?" asks Robert as he matches her wing beat to stay and chat for a while. Bree was so nervous, but she was so happy to have this chance to talk to him.

"M-my grandparents are here, I'm going to meet them right now!" says Bree, excitedly.

"That's strange," says Robert to himself.

"What's strange?"

"Oh, it's probably nothing really," laughs Robert. "But I was say how odd it was that my grandparents were in town also, I was just about to see them right now."

"What? You're too?" asks another Pidgey as he comes in closer. 

"My grandparents are here too!" says a younger Pidgey as they flock together.

"Something is up..." says Robert to himself. "This smells way to fishy..."

"What do you mean by that?" asks Bree.

"It's probably nothing," laughs Robert as they turn the corner to their home. Then, out of nowhere, a Rattata jumps out of the bushes and attacks Bree. Bree falls down with a screech, petrified of what was happening. Robert dives down, attacking the Rattata and diverting it's attention to him. The Rattata quickly gets up on its feet and jumps to attack the Pidgey, digging its teeth into Robert's side. Robert screeches in pain, kicking up the dirt around him. Some of that dirt got into Rattata's eyes and Rattata squels as he back off, shaking his head to get the dirt out of his eyes. The Rattata growls and charges towards Robert, sending him flying down. As Robert tries to shake it off, a red ball flies through the air, bouncing off of Robert and seeming to suck Robert in. 

"ROBERT!" yells Bree as she watches the red ball shake back and forth as Robert tries to escape. "Robert! Robert, where did you go!!!"

Bree looks around her to see that young Pidgeys in battle were all being taken by the red balls. Then... they came. Big, scary, monsters with four limbs and five talons on the ones that seem like wings. Bree cowards in the leaves of the tree that she landed in as she witnesses these monsters come up to the red balls and pick them up. One of the monsters tromps up to the red ball that took Robert away and Bree starts to panick.

"NO!!!" yells Bree as she nose dives down and scratches the mutated talon, not meaning to. Those mutated talons must have lost something because they were really soft and had now protection like she did. Bree then swoops down for another attack, aiming for the soft flesh around the strange looking beak, scratching the bridge of it. The Rattata that had taken down Robert now jumps from nowhere and slams Bree to the ground, knocking the breath out of her. Since she was momentarily paralyzed, the Rattata takes this advantage by tearing its claws along the stomach of her belly. She squeals in pain as she wriggles out of the Rattata's grip. She pants a little, not having the stamina for this kind of battling, but continues to fight on. She charges straight at Rattata with all her might, knocking it over. As she heaves herself up, seeming to take more of the blow then the Rattata, she was quickly knocked off her feet again. She cannot move, she does not want to move really. She just wants to lay there, not moving. But something in her would not give up. So she shakily gets up, tittering and tottering on her two little legs. She slowly opens her eyes to look at another red ball spin towards her, encasing her in it.

It was dark inside, and warm. Dark and warm. Almost as if it were her egg. But she has to find Robert. She has to get out of her. She weakly pushes up against the edges of the ball, rocking back and forth, seeing if anything would work. I have to get out of here! I have to get out of here! I have to see my mother or free Robert or... or... I... I can't stay in here.... I... I just can't... But, she gives up leaning against the side of the ball, her eyes slowly closing as tears mat her soft down feathers.

 Bree blinks her eyes open as she feels something warm and soft next to her. She looks over to see Robert smiling down at her.

"Hey ya!" says Robert with a smile. Bree happily nuzzles up to him, excited to see a friendly face, and to see he was okay.

"I thought I'll never see you again!" cries Bree happily. She then takes a moment to stop nuzzling him and looks around. "But... where are we?"

Around her was a gorgeous meadow. There wasn't very many Pokemon. Just a three or four Rattatas, Nidorans, and Pidgeys. Outside of their little pen was other plots of land. Some of them were completely covered by caves while others were meadows like theirs or sheets of ice or metal tops or other things for the different types of Pokemon to live happily. Some have up to 40 while others there were one or two in them. A few of them had a really big monster in all white holding things and moving their mutated talons back and forth on the first thing. Bree hides deeper into Robert's feathers, scared of this new setting.

"Don't be afraid," laughs Robert. "It's really great here! We don't have to fight for food or people. All we have to do is play! This will be so much fun!"

Robert then ruffles the feathers on top of Bree's head as he says, "And... we get to be together. I can't imagine a more perfect life..."

"Me either," sighs Bree as she closes her eyes and lets Robert's warmth encase her. She was in perfect heaven now.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Birds of a Feather

The cawing of the morning birds can be heard out of Hayato's window. He groggily wakes up and looks up to see two bright eyed Pidgey, nudging him awake.

"Nam....Why are you up so early?" yawns Hayato as he stretches out.

"Po!Poppo Pop pop!" coos one of the pidgey as he hops around the boys head. 

"Yeah, yeah," groans Hayato as he slowly gets up, ruffling the pidgey's feathers as he gets up. This Pidgey was one of the youngest and weakest in the other powerhouses that the gym leader had in his arsenal. The Pidgey was only a level seven, while the other Pidgey in the room, who was now pruning its feathers, was a level nine. Some of his pokemon even went all the way up to level one hundred. But he would not be discouraged by the difference in levels. He would be used one day.

"Come here," says Hayato, opening up his arms wide to his now clothed chest. He was dressed in his normal attire, saving his causal wear for days when he did not have to be a gym leader. The youngest Pidgey jumps into his arms and nuzzles up to his chest while the other gently lands on his shoulder. They were more like pets then battle pokemon, which the youngest pidgey was not very proud of, but as long as he got to stick close to Hayato, he would be happy.

"You think I'll win today's match?" asks Hayato as he starts to walk through the lower section of his gym, the place where he lives, that has been blocked off from trainers. The whole third level is like a penthouse for the gym leader. As he gets to the end of the hallway, he opens a doorway that leads to a completely glass bird cage that surrounded the entire side wall of the building and had a sky light that was always opened to the sky so his birds could fly in and out when wanted. A completed flock of Pidgeots (about seven in their flock) with two pidgeottos following behind them, flew into the sky light to land on the gently packed dirt that housed exotic trees and plants to keep the multiple types of flying pokemon happy. Near the rear of the glass bird cage was a deep cave and curled back into the building and opened into a completely closed off room that was always completely black. This was for Hayato's pokemon like Gligar, Charizard, Crobat, and Aerodactyl. 

The birds tended to keep to their flocks. The two Staraptors, four Noctowls, three Honchkrow and the Delibird took up the deep pine tree forest. The Pelipper, three swellows, two Fearows, two Xatus, and two Dodrios took up the open lake that was lush with low bushes and sandy banks. Then there was the odd-balls, the Lugia, Farfetch'd, Togetic, Zapdos, and Skarmory keep to their little group, not letting many others in. 

The older Pidgey launched off of Hayato's shoulder and joined his fellow brothers and sisters as they flew around. The younger Pidgey just watches the flock.

"Why don't you join them?" asks Hayato as he looks at the sad little Pidgey in his arms.

"Po...pop...po," coos the younger Pidgey sadly.

"Well... you can't hang out with me today, I have to fight today," says Hayato as he places the young Pidgey on the ground. Pidgey looks up at him with sad eyes as Hayato gives three short whistles. A Staraptor, Pelipper, Noctowl, Swellow, Honchkrow, and Pidgeot fly over to him, waiting for him to return them to their pokeballs.

"Stay out of trouble today," says Hayato as he puts the last pokeball on his belt and waves good-bye to the Pidgey, fretting over it as if he was a mother hen. Pidgey hops over to the completely glass door, watching Hayato as he disappears upstairs to the gym, and sadly turns away.

"I know!" says the Pidgey to himself mostly. "I'll train to get stronger!"

The Pidgey then frantically flaps his new wings, not getting a lot of ground, but enough to be faster then hopping around. 

"You! Battle me!" calls Pidgey as he finds the older one at the edge of the Pidgeot flock. 

"Not this again!"

"Doesn't he ever learn?"

"That little weakling!"

"I wonder if it would be worth watching today?"

The older Pidgey just glares at the younger one, not happy with how he came up to him. The younger Pidgey crashes into the ground, not getting the hang of the landing part of stopping and shakes out its feathers quickly to get the dust off. 

"You can have the first move!" says the youngest Pidgey, confidently. The older Pidgey just sighs and kicks up a pile of dirt into his face, getting it into his eyes.

"Owie! Owie!" yells the youngest as he shakes his head, trying to get the dirt off, then laughs, saying, "if you thought that would stop me then you were wrong!"

The younger Pidgey winds up for tackle, only to get caught off-guard from his weight, toppling through the whole path, trying to keep his balance, only tripping over his own feet a few inches in front of the older Pidgey. There was snicker and laughter from behind them. 

"You're just embarrassing yourself," sighs the older Pidgey.

"No! One day I will be strong!" cries the younger Pidgey as he shakily gets back up on his feet.

"Well I'm not going to take apart of this," says the older Pidgey as he effortlessly takes off and flies into the sky to the farthest branch of the Pidgeot territory. 

"Then you!" says the younger Pidgey as he finds the level nine Pidgeotto and hops over to him. "You battle me!"

"Get lost Shrimp!" says the Pidgeotto, meaning to only fly away from the younger Pidgey, but accidentally using gust on him, knocking him out. As the younger Pidgey's world slowly gets dark, he could hear an uproar of laughter from the flock of Pidgeots. 

The younger Pidgey was violently shaken awake from his faint. He looks up to see caring and sympathetic blue eyes that were normally covered by floppy blue hair. 

"Pidgey? Pidgey!" says Hayato, panicking. "Are you okay Pidgey?!"

"Po?" asks Pidgey as he looks around him, he was in the gym's pokemon center, without the Nurse Joy. It was a place for the gym leader to restore his pokemon without leaving his gym or switching them out.

"What were thinking?" asks Hayato, some what angry.

"Po poppo po," says Pidgey, a little sad.

Hayato just sighs and says, "Every day you do this! I thought I told you not to get into trouble... And you got your beautiful feathers all dirty."

"..." says Pidgey, sort of, as Hayato picks him up and starts to brush out his feathers. 

"Are we going to have a problem everyday?"

"Po! Poppo po!"

"You know, I'm more scared leaving you alone then I am at taking you upstairs with me," says Hayato, thinking and brushing the Pidgey at the same time. "Maybe that would be better then letting you out on your own."

"Poppo!" says Pidgey defiantly as he puffs out his cheeks in anger. Hayato just laughs and ruffles the top feathers of the Pidgey's head.

"You're so silly!" laughs Hayato as he picks Pidgey up and carries him towards the Bird Cage and gives six quick whistles to call Lugia, Pidgeot and Noctowl. After he collected the three pokemon, he turned around and started to exit the Bird Cage. Pidgey, a little confused, started to squawk and wiggle in his arms, trying to get lose.

"No! I already told you... your coming with me," says Hayato as he gently strokes the back of Pidgey's back, knowing that this was his off button. Pidgey then slowly starts to sleep in his arms, forgetting about the world around him.

 After the night has came and Hayato stretches out his arms and yawning, he starts to trudge back to his room, after putting away his pokemon, the older Pidgey on his shoulder and the youngest in his arm as he rubs his face with his other hand. After he strips down to his boxers, neatly folding his clothes and placing them in a dirty clothes pile, he crawls under his sky blue covers.

The Pidgeys' bed was right next to his, making it easy for the youngest Pidgey, who is not a very good flier, to get between his bed and Hayato's bed. As the youngest Pidgey snuggles into his bed next to the older pokemon, he heard a little grumble from the older one.

"What was that?" asks the younger Pidgey.

"I just said that 'It must be nice to be the favor. Always spending time with the master,'!" says the older Pidgey, a little louder then it should have been.

"You know, I wouldn't spend as much time with him if you would let me win once and a while!" snaps the younger Pidgey back.

A loud, bellowing chuckle escapes the older Pidgey's belly, which was surprising for his size, though even bigger for his level, it seems to over power and grow bigger then he is. 

"What's so funny!" yells the younger Pidgey, but this only make the older pokemon laugh harder.

"You always make things so funny Pidge!" laughs the older Pidgey.

"You two!" yells Hayato as he turns and glares at the two Pidgeys. "Do I have to get out the tranquillizers? Calm down or I'll have to make you!"

This quiets them down very quickly, trying not to snicker between themselves. After they hear snoring coming from Hayato's bed do they start laughing again, not as loudly, but with the same joy. They end up laughing themselves to sleep, nuzzling up against the others soft back feathers, feeling closer to each other then to any of the other pokemon, even the pokemon in the Pidgeot flock, which the older Pidgey was a part of. At the end of the day, the only person who knows you best are Birds of a Feather.

A New Day- Hopefully

016- Pidgey

Duck, Duck, Goose!

Children ran and played in the gorgeous field behind the school. There was a big playground in the corner that was equipped with a giant jungle gym. Laughter and joy filled the premises as the teacher walked outside to check on the kids. She saw that one of the kids was by herself. It was a little girl with a brown, soft looking dress and a brown baseball cap on her head that covered her dark brown hair that ended at her jaw-bone. She was sitting by herself on the bench, just watching as her feet swings back and forth on the mulch, making an indent so deep that the rich dark soil under it was unearthed. She did not look sad, but she did not look happy either. This concerned the teacher and she walks up to the little girl and crouches down to look into her eyes.

"Sweetheart... why aren't you playing with the other kids?" she asks simply.

 "They don't want to play with me," pouts the girl.

"That's not true," says the teacher. "I bet tons of kids like you. Now why don't you go and play."

"Don't wanna!" whines the girl.

"Ave! Go and play with the other kids!" orders the teacher.

"Fine..." pouts the girl as she jumps off the bench and drudges to a group who is playing Duck, Duck, Goose. One of the kids were going around the circle, tapping the heads of each of the kids. Ave then runs up to them and yells, "GOOSE!"

"That's not how it's played stupid," says one of the kids.

"You're not playing it right!"

"If you don't know how to play then you shouldn't be able to play at all!" 

"Go away! You're just messing up the game!"

Ave was forced to walk away to another section of the playground. The playground is cut off from the black top by a section of bushes and a tall tree that was around ten years old, at least. On the other side was a group of kids playing freeze tag, running around the black top, laughing and having a good time. Ave gets a big smile on her face, thinking that they might want to play with her. She then runs up to the first kid she sees and taps them on the shoulder, somewhat forcefully. "TAG!" she yells cheerfully. 

"Come on Ave!" groans some of the kids.

"Why can't you ever play the game right!"

"That's not how you do it stupid!"

"Don't you even know how to play tag?"

"You can't play in this game! You're too late!"

"You should have at least asked!"

"Just go away!"

"FINE!!" yells Ave at the top of her lungs. Everyone on the playground looks at her as tears grow in her eyes and start to spill over the sides. She just sniffles and rubs her eyes as she says, "I didn't want to play with you anyways~!!"

Before anyone else could make fun of her, or tell her how stupid she was, she ran towards the other end of the blacktop where most of the older kids played sometimes, though they were not around now, but it was a favorite hangout because of the giant oak tree that was next to the six foot fence that surrounded the playground. The oak tree had a patch of yellow dirt surrounding it from the multiple feet that trampled it over the years. It had a trunk that was bigger than any of the adults and you could not wrap your arms around the trunk because of how thick it was. 

Ave curles up in the giant, above ground roots that were a perfect little squeezing spot for her. She just curls her knees up to her head and buries her face into them. She sniffles quietly to herself, hoping that no one would hear her.

"Tweet-to-weet-do-do-do!" sings something from above her. She looks up to see a little bird looking down at her also, tilting its head in curiosity. 

"Tw-eet~?" sings the bird, almost in a question.

"Get away from me!" says Ave angrily. "You don't want to be with me either! I just know it!"

"Do-do tweet-do-te!" coos the bird as it gets closer and closer to Ave.

"SHOO!" yells Ave as she waves her arms around frantically. The bird is startled away, flapping into the sky. Ave watches it as it goes and digs her face into her knees again, trying to hide from the world. There was then a collective flapping of feathers and hollowed out bones from the air. There was cawing and singing and crowing and clucking and squawking and tweeting as a whole flock of different type of birds collect around her in a tight circle. Ave looks around with wide eyes at these mysterious beings.

"twe-tweet-do-do-weet," sings the bird as it hops away from the flock and takes front and center.

"You want to stay with me?" asks Ave, confused at this spectacle.  There was a collective agreement from the birds. Slowly, ever so slowly, a happy smile grows on Ave's face that seems to brighten the world to an astonishing degree. A laugh then bubbles up from her stomach, entering her heart and escaping through her mouth, amplifying the happiness of the flock of birds and the girl. 

Ave then gets off the ground, brushes off the dirt from her fluffy brown dress and her bright yellow bag and places her hands on her hips, going on her tip toes for a second to increase the energy of the pose. Her smile seems to grow wider with each passing second. 

"Okay..." says Ave as she thinks of a second. "Let's play follow the leader!"